15 - 21 Settembre 2025, Roma

Carlo Frinolli

– Head of Design in Dynamo , part of Caffeina e in precedenza CEO, Founder e Head of Design a nois3, lavora, insegna e vive a Roma – non necessariamente in quest’ordine. Gli piace avere le mani in pasta nelle cose e ama sperimentare sia nel lavoro che nella vita.

Attualmente dirige il team di Design di Caffeina, la più importante agenzia indipendente italiana, e in precedenza ha diretto nois3, fondata nel 2013 assieme a 4 soci, dopo aver aver fondato e diretto altre esperienze legate al Design. Si nutre di human Centered Design e di Co-Design, lo impara applicandolo, lo insegna e lo pratica tutte le volte che posso.

– Head of Design at Dynamo , part of Caffeina and previously CEO, Founder and Head of Design at nois3, he works, teaches and lives in Rome – not necessarily in that order. He likes to have my hands in things and loves to experiment in both work and life.

He currently leads the Design team at Caffeina, Italy’s leading independent agency, and previously he leds nois3, founded in 2013 together with 4 partners, after having founded and led other Design-related experiences. He feeds on Human Centered Design and Co-Design, he learns it by applying it, teaches it and practices it as often as he can.

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