Do you want to talk about the Future at Rome Future Week®?

Do you have a visionary story to tell? Do you want to share your vision of tomorrow with our community? This is the right opportunity: answer the Rome Future Week® Call for Speakers and participate in the capital’s first widespread festival dedicated to the Future!

From the 16th to the 22nd of september

Bring your voice on the stage!

Tell us about yourself and your vision for the future.

Take a unique opportunity to address a particular topic, in a challenging context and within an innovative billboard.

Participate and meet other experts, enthusiasts or professionals like you, forge new relationships and create new collaborations for your future.

Promote your (personal) brand, draw attention to yourself and show yourself to a new, broad and cross-sectional audience.

Join us for a new narrative of the future

We are looking for professionals, experts or enthusiasts in the world of innovation and progress who are interested in opening the opening day of the event with their visionary and inspirational talk. 


If you accept the challenge and want to share your perspective and experience with the audience, apply now and let your voice be heard.

How to apply for
Call For Speaker

Choose the topic you want to talk about from the topics suggested by the event organizer Tell us who you are and why you think your talk about the future deserves to be heard.

Tell us who you are and why your speech about the future should be heard

Applications for the 2024 edition are closed, if you want to stay in touch with us sign up for our newsletter

Non perdere l’opportunità di far sentire la tua voce in occasione del primo evento diffuso della capitale. Candidati adesso e diventa speaker della Rome Future Week!®

Compilando il presente form invii una candidatura spontanea per prendere parte all'evento di apertura della Rome Future Week® in programma il prossimo 11 Settembre. La candidatura non costituisce vincolo alla partecipazione nè obbligo per l'organizzazione.

Tutti i dettagli sull'evento saranno forniti post selezione dall'organizzazione che si riserva di selezionare i candidati secondo suo insindacabile giudizio.

Non è riconosciuta fee di partecipazione o rimborso spese salvo diversa pattuizione.

La mia agenda