15 - 21 Settembre 2025, Roma

Beatrice Lomaglio

E’ Presidente nazionale dell’Associazione Italiana Formatori (AIF ), per la quale dirige FOR – Rivista per la formazione edita da FrancoAngeli e ha la delega alla comunicazione esterna. Fondatrice e amministratrice unica di Fabricamente, società di marketing, comunicazione e formazione. Esperta di brand positioning e comunicazione digitale, da oltre dieci anni svolge anche attività come formatrice professionista e business coach.

E’ co-autrice del volume “Marketing e Personal Branding dell’avvocato” pubblicato da Giuffré Lefebvre. 

Particolarmente attenta ai temi del gender gap e della leadership femminile, aderisce ad AIDDA, Associazione Imprenditrici e Donne Dirigenti d’Azienda.

She is national president of the Italian Association of Trainers (AIF ), for which she directs FOR – Magazine for training published by FrancoAngeli and is in charge of external communication. Founder and sole director of Fabricamente, a marketing, communication and training company. An expert in brand positioning and digital communication, she has also worked as a professional trainer and business coach for more than a decade.

She is co-author of the book “Marketing and Personal Branding of the Lawyer” published by Giuffré Lefebvre. Particularly attentive to the issues of the gender gap and female leadership, she is a member of AIDDA, Association of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Executives.

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