– Svolge la professione di dottore commercialista e revisore legale
a Pordenone e a Roma
E’ Autore di un Brevetto ® UIBM: controllo di gestione e direzionale dello studio professionale.
E’ Direttore scientifico sul controllo di gestione degli studi professionali, per il Gruppo Wolters Kluwer.
Docente invitato all’Università degli Studi di Trieste e di Udine, al corso di “Organizzazione” ed “Economia aziendale”.
E’ consulente di direzione certificato CMC® (The certification mark awarded by APCO, the Italian Institute of Management Consultants, on behalf of ICMCI, the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes).
E’ socio qualificato APCO e della Community of Practice “Controllo direzionale e Performance management”.
– She practices as a certified public accountant and auditor in Pordenone and Rome
She is Author of a Patent ® UIBM: management and directional control of the professional firm.
She is Scientific Director on management control of professional firms, for the Wolters Kluwer Group.
Invited lecturer at the University of Trieste and Udine, in the course of “Organization” and “Business Administration”.
She is a CMC® certified management consultant (The certification mark awarded by APCO, the Italian Institute of Management Consultants, on behalf of ICMCI, the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes).
She is a qualified member of APCO and of the Community of Practice “Management Control and Performance management.
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