15 - 21 Settembre 2025, Roma

Gerlie Saura

 Country Chair Italia per il think tank G100 Education and Employment, fondato dal Women Economic Forum (WEF), Gerlie promuove opportunità educative e iniziative della Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). Ha ricoperto anche ruoli come membro del consiglio, Presidente, Mentore e Relatrice per varie organizzazioni, guidando iniziative educative e pratiche inclusive. Con oltre 15 anni di esperienza internazionale nel business development, è global leader nell’education consulting, rappresenta la Rome Business School e gestisce partnership strategiche a livello globale. Ha lavorato nei settori governativo, non-profit e privato, influenzando significativamente Europa, Medio Oriente, Africa, Asia e Americhe.

In qualità di Ambasciatrice RFW, contribuisce a definire politiche che sostengono women’s economic empowerment e lifelong learning, assicurando che l’istruzione continui a essere un motore di progresso sociale ed economico a Roma e oltre.

– Country Chair Italy for the G100 Education and Employment think tank, founded by the Women Economic Forum (WEF), Gerlie promotes educational opportunities and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives. She has also held roles as a board member, President, Mentor and Speaker for various organizations, driving educational reforms and inclusive practices. With over 15 years of international experience in business development, she is a global leader in education consulting, representing the Rome Business School and managing strategic partnerships globally. She has worked in government, non-profit and private sectors, significantly impacting Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and the Americas.

As an RFW Ambassador, she helps shape policies that support women’s economic empowerment and lifelong learning, ensuring that education remains a powerful catalyst for social and economic progress in Rome and beyond

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